What is data engineering?

data engineering in the cloud

If you work with data, then you might already be familiar with the term dbt. Like many data analysts, you may have been tasked with writing a model in your company’s data warehouse or database. You might even have tested these models to ensure that they produce consistent and accurate results. If this is the case, then congratulations! You’re using dbt! However, as a tool for creating maintainable and scalable code in your data warehouse, there are other things dbt can do for you:

DBT is an open-source tool that helps data analysts write maintainable and scalable code.

DBT is a tool for data engineers. It helps you write maintainable and scalable code. DBT is open-source and it’s written in Python. It’s also a workflow tool, but more on that later.

DBT is an open-source tool that helps data analysts write maintainable and scalable code by forcing them to think about the various steps of their analysis in advance by using workflows as building blocks.

It enables you to separate data into models, test these models and then make those models available for reporting by other teams.

DBT is a tool that helps data analysts write maintainable and scalable code. When you use DBT, you’re essentially separating your data into models, testing these models and then making those models available for reporting by other teams. The idea here is that when you’re writing code in this way, it becomes much easier to maintain because each model has its own set of tests that make sure it’s working properly. If any changes are made to the underlying data or features of a model (like adding an extra field), all of those tests will fail until they’re fixed up again.

Data analysts can write tests to make sure their model returns expected results, e.g. if you calculate the average order value for a day, is it the same value if you include all orders or only completed orders?

When you are analyzing data, it’s important to know what the model is doing. This can be done by writing tests that check whether the results of your model agree with what you expected. For example, if you calculate the average order value for a day, is it the same value if you include all orders or only completed orders? The model should return the same value!

You can use dbt as part of your workflow to ensure that your projects are well-documented, organized and tested.

DBT is an open-source project that was created by Facebook. It’s a tool that helps data analysts write maintainable and scalable code.

DBT enables you to separate data into models, test these models and then make those models available for reporting by other teams.

What is a data warehouse?

Now that you know the basics of what data warehousing is, let’s talk about how it can help you.

Data warehouses are a central place to store, manage and analyze your company’s data. This can be anything from customer information to sales figures or even social media posts. A data warehouse will help you collect all this information in one place, so you can access it whenever needed and make more informed decisions based on the data provided by your business intelligence tool.

What is a database?

A database is a collection of data. That’s it! In this sense, the term “database” can refer to both physical and virtual things. A physical database is one that exists on a computer (or computers) somewhere in the world, while a virtual database is stored on some kind of storage device like a USB stick or a flash drive. Either type might be part of an entire networked system or stored locally on your own computer—it doesn’t matter as long as all your records are in one place and you know where they are!

What is the difference between a data warehouse and a database?

Data warehouse and database are two different types of centralized repositories of data. Data warehouses are typically used for storing large amounts of data that can be analyzed for business intelligence purposes, such as financial analysis or customer profiling. Databases are collections of data organized in a way that makes them easy to retrieve information from, like when you open your phone and pull up your search history with one tap.

Data warehouses have some overlap with databases, but they aren’t exactly the same thing: A database is only one form of a data warehouse—the other form is called an OLAP cube (online analytical processing). An OLAP cube is a collection of summary tables containing aggregated measures across dimensions that make it easier to analyze large sets of transactional data quickly. For example: If you want to know how many salespeople have made at least $100k in commission this year so far, an OLAP cube would allow you to easily answer this question without having to access every single row individually–saving time!

What is the cloud?

The cloud is a network of remote servers (e.g. Amazon Web Services or Google Cloud Platform) that are available to users over the internet. This means that instead of your data and applications running on one device, they’re hosted remotely; this allows you to access them from wherever you like, as long as you have an internet connection.

The cloud can be used in two main ways: storing and processing data, or running applications.

What cloud services are there?

Now that we’ve talked about what IaaS and PaaS are, let’s move on to talk about cloud services. Cloud services are where you store your data. You can think of them as a place where data is stored “in the cloud.” They’re also where you run your code, which means that they’re kind of like an operating system for running applications in the cloud (hence their name). And finally, they’re also places where you can store your code—just like how you’d store photos and videos on a hard drive or USB stick in your house.

The most popular cloud computing service providers today include AWS (Amazon Web Services), Azure, Google Cloud Platform, Digital Ocean and others.

What is data engineering?

Data engineering is the process of building and maintaining the data infrastructure that supports data-driven applications. Data engineers are responsible for building data pipelines and data stores, as well as the tools that allow data scientists to query and analyze data.

Data engineers usually have experience in both software development and database administration (DBAs). They should be familiar with ETL (extract, transform and load) techniques, algorithms for processing large amounts of information (e.g., MapReduce), log analysis, etc.

The biggest difference between working as a DBA vs being a developer is that DBAs tend to be specialists who focus on one area — databases — whereas developers may need to know multiple technologies depending on what they are working on at any given time (for example: PHP / Javascript / SQL).

What does a data engineer do?

Data engineers are responsible for building and maintaining data pipelines, which are the set of steps that ensure data is collected and made available to the rest of the company. Data pipelines include ingesting data from various sources (sensors, API’s, etc.), processing it into a clean format, storing it in databases or files, and making sure that all of this happens at regular intervals.

Data engineers also build data warehouses, which are designed to store large amounts of structured information over long periods. A warehouse is essentially a fancy database that allows users to search through historical records by date range or other criteria like customer location or product category.

In some organizations, data engineers also work on building “data lakes” instead of warehouses—these are essentially just enormous repositories where raw unstructured information can be stored without being processed first (it’s up to someone else later). Think of it as an unstructured version of our old friend MongoDB: there isn’t really any schema beyond what has been created by humans themselves (if anything), so there aren’t any real joins between tables either; instead everything is stored as one big blob with no natural order or structure imposed upon it from above.

What is an analytics engineer?

Analytics engineers are responsible for building and maintaining data pipelines, data models, and providing data to other teams. They use skills in Python, R or Scala to perform statistical analysis on large datasets and create machine learning algorithms. The role requires a strong foundation in mathematics like calculus, linear algebra and differential equations.

What is an ELT process?

ELT stands for Extract, Load and Transform. ELT is a data engineering process, which involves the extraction of data from a source system and loading it into a data warehouse. The extracted data is then transformed into another format that’s more useful for analysis.

The ELT process can also be applied to other types of sources besides just databases; it can be used to load any kind of structured or unstructured real-time data stream into your analytics software.

What is an ETL process?

ETL stands for Extract, Transform and Load. ETL is a data engineering process which is used to load data from one or more data sources into a data warehouse. The ETL process involves extracting the required information from various source systems, transforming it into a format that can be easily analyzed in the target environment and finally loading this information into the data warehouse.

ETL processes are typically designed by experienced ETL developers who understand how to extract relevant information from multiple disparate sources, apply appropriate transformations to make sense of it all and load it into an intermediary staging area before populating tables in the target database (usually referred to as a fact table).

What is dbt?

dbt is a collection of Python packages that makes it easier for data analysts to write maintainable, scalable code. It provides tools for working with large datasets and complex SQL queries, and can be used alongside other Python packages such as pandas to simplify data analysis tasks. dbt is built on top of open-source software, meaning anyone can contribute to its development or use it in their own projects without paying any fees.

How do I use dbt?

  • Install dbt.
  • Create a dbt project.
  • Create a data model, as you would with any other TDD/BDD framework.
  • Write tests for your model, in whatever language you prefer – ScalaTest is one option, but Java and Groovy also work quite well when used with dbt’s test runner classes.
  • Run your tests to make sure they pass!

Once you’ve done all this, it’s time to ask yourself: do I want to run my tests on my local machine? Or do I want them running through an integration or continuous integration environment instead? If so, let me show you how…

What does the workflow for using dbt look like?

You will first import your data and create a model. The model is then published so that it can be used in reports. If you find that the model needs to be updated, you will update it. You may then repeat this process for each new dataset that you have.

What makes dbt so powerful?

The power lies in the fact that you can use dbt to build models, test those models and then make them available for reporting by other teams. If you’re an analyst who likes working with data but doesn’t want to spend your days coding, dbt is a tool that helps you write maintainable and scalable code without having to worry about the details of how it actually works behind the scenes. The best part is? It’s open source!

What else can dbt do?

You can use DBT for many different tasks. These include data engineering, data warehousing, data science and more. DBT can also be used for ETL (extract-transform-load), ELT (extract-load-transform), data engineering and more.


Dbt is an open-source software tool that helps developers write maintainable, scalable code for data analytics. It’s built on top of the Python scripting language and uses SQL to access data in a database or warehouse. Dbt was created by Fishtown Analytics, but it’s now an open source project maintained by both Fishtown Analytics and the community at large.

If you’re interested in using dbt for your own projects, check out their documentation here.