How To Tell A Guy He Looks Good Over Text?

A good looking guy with a watch.

When you want to tell a guy he looks good, but don’t want to sound like a weirdo, it can be tough. Here are a few tips on how to do it in a way that will make him feel good!

1. Start off by saying something like “Hey, you!” This will let him know that you’re thinking about him and that you want to talk.

2. Compliment him on something specific. Say something like “You have a really great sense of style” or “I love the way you’ve styled your hair today.”

3. Be sincere. Make sure that you mean what you say and that you’re not just trying to butter him up.

4. End with a smiley face. This will let him know that you’re joking around and that you’re having fun.

When it comes to telling a guy he looks good, there is no need to beat around the bush

You can simply say, “You’re looking good today.” When it comes to telling a guy he looks good, there is no need to beat around the bush. You can simply say, “You’re looking good today.” This compliment will make him feel confident and will make him feel good about himself.

When complimenting a guy over text, be sure to use them sparingly

Compliments are a great way to make someone feel good, but when it comes to texting a guy, it’s important to use them sparingly. If you compliment him too much, he might start to feel like you’re only interested in him for his looks or his personality, and not for who he really is. If you wait until you’ve really gotten to know him before you start showering him with compliments, he’ll appreciate them that much more.

A few compliments will go a long way in making him feel appreciated

Compliments are a great way to make someone feel appreciated. They can make someone’s day and make them feel good about themselves. A few compliments will go a long way in making him feel appreciated.

How do you compliment a guy’s looks?

There is no one-size-fits-all answer to this question, as the best way to compliment a guy’s looks will vary depending on the guy’s personality and preferences. However, some tips on how to compliment a guy’s looks include finding something unique about his appearance that you like and complimenting him on that specifically, or telling him that he looks handsome, attractive, or sexy. It’s also important to be genuine in your compliments, and to avoid giving insincere or superficial compliments just to flatter the guy.

How do you say good-looking guy?

There is no one definitive answer to this question. It depends on the person’s nationality and region. Some possible translations are “good-looking guy”, “handsome man”, or “sexy man”.

How do you flatter a boy with words?

There is no one answer to this question, as it will vary depending on the boy you are flattering. However, some tips on how to flatter a boy with words might include being genuine in your compliments, focusing on shared interests, and using language that is respectful and polite. If you can make the boy feel good about himself, he is likely to be flattered by your words.

What compliments do guys like to hear?

There is no definitive answer to this question as different guys will prefer different compliments. However, some general compliments that guys tend to like to hear include things like “you have a great sense of humor,” “you’re really smart,” “you’re a great listener,” or “you’re really sexy.”

How do you compliment someone’s looks?

There is no one answer to this question, as it depends on the person’s preferences. However, some general things you could say to compliment someone’s looks include “you’re beautiful,” “you’re gorgeous,” or “you’re stunning.” You could also simply say “you’re pretty” or “you’re handsome.”

How do you compliment a guy on his looks without flirting?

There’s no one-size-fits-all answer to this question, as the best way to compliment a guy on his looks without flirting will vary depending on the guy’s personality and relationship status. However, some tips on how to compliment a guy on his looks without flirting include being genuine in your compliment, avoiding sexual innuendos, and focusing on the guy’s features rather than his body.

How do you say very handsome?

“He’s very handsome.”

How do you say you are hot?

To say you are hot in Spanish, you would say “estás caliente.”

How do you call someone attractive?

There is no one answer to this question, as what is considered attractive varies from person to person. Some people might find someone attractive because of their facial features, while others might find them attractive because of their body type.

How do you hype a guy over text?

There is no one formula for how to hype a guy over text, as the approach you take will likely vary depending on the guy in question. However, some tips on how to hype a guy over text include being flirty, playful, and engaging; using emoticons and stickers; and sending him screenshots of positive feedback from other people. Ultimately, the most important thing is to be yourself and to have fun with it!

How do you tell a guy he’s hot?

There is no one answer to this question, as what may be considered “hot” to one person may not be considered as such by another. However, some tips on how to tell a guy he’s hot may include complimenting him on his appearance, telling him that he has a “nice body,” or simply saying that you find him attractive. It’s important to be genuine in your compliments, and to avoid being too forward or sexual in your language, as this may come across as creepy or inappropriate.

How do you compliment a boy in one word?

There is no one-word answer to this question, as the way to compliment a boy depends on the boy’s personality and interests. However, some general compliments that might work for most boys include “cool,” “awesome,” “amazing,” and “incredible.”

How do you show a man you appreciate him?

There is no one set way to show a man that you appreciate him, as every man is different. However, some things that may work include cooking for him, doing something special for him, or simply telling him that you appreciate him. Whatever you do, make sure it comes from the heart, as men can often sense when something is fake or forced.

How do I make him feel appreciated?

One way to make someone feel appreciated is to let them know that you recognize and appreciate the things they do for you. You can do this by thanking them for what they did, or by telling them how much you appreciate them. Another way to make someone feel appreciated is to give them a gift or do something special for them.

What are the best compliments?

There is no definitive answer to this question as everyone’s opinion of what constitutes a good compliment will differ. However, some general things to keep in mind when giving a compliment are to be genuine, specific, and honest. Try to find something that the person has done that you genuinely admire or appreciate and focus on that rather than simply saying that you like something about them. For example, rather than saying “you’re pretty,” you might say “I love your hair color” or “I love your dress.” Likewise, rather than saying “you’re a great person,” you might say “I really appreciate how you always go out of your way to help others.”

What are some flirty compliments?

Some flirty compliments could be as follows: You have beautiful eyes. I could stare into your eyes all day. You have a really pretty smile. I love your laugh. You’re so charming. You’re adorable.

What are some good compliments?

Compliments are a way to make someone feel good and appreciated. Some good compliments to give are: -You have a great sense of style. -You’re a great listener. -You’re so funny. -You’re so smart. -You’re so talented.

How do you flatter someone over text?

There is no one-size-fits-all answer to this question, as the best way to flatter someone over text will vary depending on the person’s personality and interests. However, some tips on how to flatter someone over text include being genuine, using descriptive language, and being specific about why you are complimenting them. It is also important to be aware of the recipient’s preferences and to avoid coming across as too pushy or insincere.

How do you tell someone you look good without flirting?

There is no one definitive answer to this question. It can depend on the situation, the relationship between the people involved, and other factors. Some possible ways to tell someone you look good without flirting could include saying something like “you look nice” or “you look pretty.” Alternatively, you could simply give the person a compliment on their outfit or appearance without any further comment.

How do you compliment someone without being awkward?

There is no one-size-fits-all answer to this question, as the best way to compliment someone without being awkward will vary depending on the situation and relationship between the two people involved. However, some tips on how to compliment someone without being awkward include being genuine in your compliments, keeping your compliments short and sweet, and making sure that your compliments are appropriate for the situation.

What can I say instead of handsome?

There are a few things you can say instead of “handsome.” You could say that the person is “good-looking,” “pretty,” or “gorgeous.” You could also say that the person is “attractive” or “sexy.”

How do you casually tell someone they are cute?

There is no one-size-fits-all answer to this question, as the way you tell someone they are cute will vary depending on the person’s personality and relationship to you. However, some tips on how to tell someone they are cute in a casual way include telling them that they have a “cute smile,” complimenting their eyes, or simply telling them that they are “pretty.” Whatever you do, make sure your compliment is genuine and from the heart, as this will make the person feel good about themselves.

What’s a big word for beautiful?

The word “gorgeous” is often used to describe something that is beautiful.

How do you say hot girl?

The phrase “hot girl” is translated to “chica caliente” in Spanish.

What can I say instead of hot?

“That looks like it would be really good,” or “It looks delicious.”

How do you say hot slang?

In English, “hot slang” is simply another way of saying “hot words.”

How do you describe a good-looking person?

When asked to describe a good-looking person, most people will typically use words like “attractive,” “pretty,” “handsome,” or “gorgeous.” These words generally describe someone who is physically appealing and has features that are considered aesthetically pleasing.

What is a slang word for looking good?

Looking good is typically referred to as looking “fly” or “fresh.”

How do you say someone is hot?

“She’s hot,” can mean that a person is physically attractive, or that they are angry or excited.

How do you tease a guy with sweet words?

Some tips to tease a guy with sweet words: – Start by complimenting him, but add a little tease on top. For example, you might say, “I love how you always know just what to say to make me feel good.” – Use teasing nicknames. For example, if he’s a bit of a goofball, you might call him “Mr. Funny Man” or “Comedian.” – Tease him about things he’s insecure about. For example, if he’s worried about his hair, you could say, “I love your hair, especially when you style it like that.” – Be playful and flirty. For example, you could say, “I had a dream about you last night. You were wearing nothing but a smile.”

What are the positive words?

Positive words are words that typically have a positive connotation. They are words that are associated with good things, such as happiness, love, and joy.

How do you compliment a guy without being weird?

Compliments are always a nice way to show someone that you care about them, but it can be tricky to know how to compliment a guy without being weird. A good way to start is by complimenting something that is unique to him, such as his sense of style or how he handles himself in difficult situations. You can also compliment him on something that he is good at, such as his athletic ability or his ability to make people laugh. Whatever you do, make sure your compliment is genuine and heartfelt, and that you avoid giving him any unwanted sexual attention.

How do you appreciate a guy over text?

There is no one definitive way to appreciate a guy over text, but some things you could do include thanking him for something he did for you, sending him a funny meme or picture, or telling him how much you appreciate him. You could also simply send him a text telling him that you love him. Whatever you do, make sure your text is personal and genuine, and that it comes from the heart.