Why is there a digging season in Egypt?

The pyramids in Egypt are very impressive.

Week after week, Sunday morning news shows feature reports about archaeologists who’ve made another big find. In fact, these people seem so busy that you might wonder: Is it always dig season in Egypt? Yes and no. This is because archaeologists—the people who study the ruins of ancient civilizations—can’t just dig up any old tomb they happen to stumble across; they have to have permission from the Egyptian government to do so. The team must also carefully document their work and report back on their findings at the end of each day.

It takes months to clear away the sand from a site.

The digging season lasts for about three months, from June to September, when the heat is highest and the days are longest. Each day begins at 6 am and ends around 5 pm. It’s hard work getting started in the morning, but you get used to it after a few weeks.

The number of people working on each site varies widely depending on how much time there is left before they have to stop digging for the day. In general, there are usually between 250-5000 people working on one site at any given time! Some sites have more than 20 different teams working on them—and each team has its own supervisor who reports directly back up through their supervisor all the way up until they reach someone who reports directly back up through their supervisor until they reach someone who reports directly back up through their supervisor…

It’s easier to work at night during the summer months, which helps prevent dehydration.

You might be wondering why the digging season occurs in the summer, when it’s hot and dry.

The answer is simple: it just makes more sense to dig when the sand isn’t so hot. The temperature drop at night makes it easier to work without getting dehydrated or overheated. Plus, there are fewer bugs flying around (and more stars in the sky). Plus plus plus, with less sun exposure you don’t need as much sunscreen!

Teams can’t travel during the winter because of rain and nonstop traffic.

The tombs in the desert are located in remote locations, so the roads will be congested with people trying to get out of town. The mountains, meanwhile, are not only remote but also have unpredictable weather patterns that can make traveling difficult. In short: if you want to visit a tomb and don’t want to risk being caught under heavy rain or snow while traveling on the road, plan your trip for summertime.

It’s hard to find a time of year when Egyptologists aren’t busy with other projects.

You’ll find it hard to catch Egyptologists in the off-season. They are busy with other projects during spring and summer, which are the two busiest times of year for tourists and archaeologists alike. In any case, they’re usually too busy in spring to care about digging!

If you want to dig in Egypt at this time of year, you can do so—but don’t expect much help from your guide or fellow archaeologists. Because most Egyptians leave their homes during these months, there are fewer people who know how to work on an archaeological site.

It’s hard to excavate tombs in Egypt!

There are many reasons why it’s difficult to excavate tombs in Egypt. For one thing, the best times of year for digging are already taken by Egyptologists who study other periods of Egyptian history. The summer months are prime time for digging because the sun is out and the temperature is relatively low. However, there’s also a lot more sand on the ground during this time—which means more work involved in removing it and creating a safe space for excavation.

The main reason why archaeologists choose to dig at night is because they’re able to avoid dehydration! In addition to that, they’ll be able to see better without being blinded by bright sunlight reflecting off their tools and equipment (which could lead them into dangerous situations). By working at night instead of during daytime hours when temperatures can rise above 100 degrees Fahrenheit (38 degrees Celsius), archaeologists will have an easier time staying hydrated while still completing necessary tasks required for successful excavation sites

How long is the excavation season in Egypt?

The digging season lasts from July to October. This is the best time because it’s the dry season and you have less chance of finding mud when you dig. You will also probably be able to do some digging in June or November, but these months are not as good because they are too hot or too cold. You can’t find artifacts during the wet seasons of April-May and November-December because there is too much rainwater and flooding in Egypt during those times of year.

Is it legal to dig in Egypt?

While it is possible to dig for obsidian in Egypt Africa, you will need to get a license and fill out a form. This can be done through the Ministry of Antiquities or locally through your local government. You will also need to pay a fee before you begin digging.

When digging for obsidian, it’s important that you follow all of the rules and regulations as set by your government agency or local municipality. Breaking any rules could result in fines from authorities or even having your license revoked entirely!

As always when excavating archeological sites, be sure not to break anything while excavating obsidian—especially if there are any artifacts nearby!

Are they still excavating in Egypt?

Yes, they are still excavating in Egypt. Archaeologists are still finding new tombs and mummies, as well as other artifacts and information about the past. They are also continuing to find new ways to preserve the past for future generations.

Why do archaeologists have to dig?

Archaeologists have to dig because they want to know what happened in the past. Archaeologists are interested in finding out how people lived, what they ate and wore and what they did for fun. They also want to learn about the past so that we can understand it better today.

A lot of archaeology is about finding out what happened to people and their belongings after they died (or when a site was abandoned). We do this by looking at things like skeletons, shells or potsherds that were left behind by those who lived there long ago.

How are archaeologists paid?

As a rule, archaeologists are paid by the government or by universities. Pay is based on experience and the difficulty of the project, as well as how many hours an archaeologist works on a project.

Why is it OK to dig up mummies?

You might think that digging up a mummy would be stealing the body of someone who had been laid to rest. But in Egypt, mummies don’t get buried as people anymore; they’re just bones by the time they come to the surface.

The way death is treated in Egypt has changed over time—and that’s part of what makes this digging season so fascinating! Before about 1000 BCE, most Egyptians believed that death was simply a transition from one state of being into another. They didn’t believe in an afterlife or judgment by God or any kind of supernatural “afterlife” at all. Instead, every person had their own ka (a spiritual double) which continued living on even after their body died—and when their “ka” left them behind and moved onto its next life stage (as we would say), it took them with it!

The Egyptians believed that when people died, their bodies became mummies—but not forever: after some time had passed (usually around 70 days), these mummies began returning to life again as “living” bodies made entirely out of flesh and blood: essentially zombies! Because these zombies were still technically alive enough for us humans to recognize them as such (they were definitely dead), they needed some kind of access pass into our world– which meant burials like this one need special permission before being performed today.”

Is it ever OK to dig up the dead?

It is almost never OK to dig up the dead.

The main exception is when a person has been buried for so long that their bones have turned to dust. In this case, it’s not like you’re destroying their body or anything—you’re just moving them from one place where no one cares about them anymore to another place where everyone has forgotten they ever existed. This doesn’t count as “desecrating a grave,” which is what most people call digging up someone who has been buried recently enough that they could still be considered alive (or at least undead).

It also helps if the person was buried in an area that was considered “holy ground” at the time they were buried there. This means other people might think your actions are OK because of religious reasons instead of simply being out of laziness or selfishness.

Is it immoral to dig up mummies?

One of the most common questions people ask about mummies is whether it’s wrong to dig up corpses.

In general, it’s best to leave dead things in peace. Dead bodies are not ours to take or use; they’re not ours for sale either. The dead have a right to rest in peace, and we should respect their wishes by leaving them alone.

Is there hidden treasure in Egypt?

The short answer is yes. In fact, there are many stories of treasure being found by independent archaeologists and adventurers. However, you won’t be able to go on a treasure hunt yourself unless you become an archaeologist or a licensed archaeologist—and since neither of those careers pays very well (or at all), it’s best to leave this sort of thing to professionals like Indiana Jones and Lara Croft.

That said, Egypt is home to many ancient tombs and temples that have been discovered over the years—and some of them have contained treasure! In fact, one tomb was found with such riches inside that it actually bankrupted King Tutankhamun when he tried selling off items from its hoard as part of his rejuvenation campaign after becoming pharaoh again.*

What happens if you find treasure in Egypt?

You will have to give it to the government. You will have to pay taxes on it. The government will decide what to do with it.

  • The government can take it from you.
  • The government can sell it and keep the money (or part of the money) for itself, which is pretty standard practice in these situations.
  • The government can give away some or all of your treasure if you ask it nicely and provide them with a good reason why they should do this thing that they don’t usually do—like not taking people’s stuff when they find them digging around in their backyard looking for something shiny and valuable that might belong to someone else who was already there first!

Can you treasure hunt in Egypt?

Yes, but you need to apply to the Egyptian government. You’ll need to get a license and a permit.

What tombs are still undiscovered?

There are several tombs that have yet to be discovered, and there are a few notable ones for which we may never find the lost treasures.

The Pyramids of Giza: The Great Pyramid of Giza is one of the only three remaining structures from the Seven Wonders of the World. Built by Pharaoh Khufu, it was constructed using over 2 million stones weighing an average of 2 tons each (1 tonne = 1000 kilograms). It was thought that this ancient wonder was completely empty because archeologists found no evidence inside when they opened it in 820 A.D., but some believe there could still be something inside such as a chamber where Pharaoh’s treasures were once kept or even his body itself!

Inside Alexander The Great‘s Tomb: Alexander III of Macedon (356–323 B.C.), also known as Alexander The Great, became king at 16 years old and conquered most lands bordering Greece by 30 years old—including Egypt—but he never found his final resting place while alive; some think he died in northern India while hunting elephants and others say he might have been poisoned by Ptolemy II Philadelphus’ wife Eurydice I due to her jealousy over their relationship after she gave birth to two sons who may have been fathered by him instead!

What have archaeologists found in Egypt 2021?

Some of the most famous archaeological finds in Egypt include:

  • The tomb of King Tutankhamun, who ruled Egypt from 1333 to 1323 BC. It was discovered in 1922 by his chief designer and architect, Howard Carter.
  • The tomb of Queen Nefertari, a wife of Ramses II (1279-1213 BCE). It was discovered in 1904 by Italian archaeologist Ernesto Schiaparelli.
  • The tomb of King Ramses VI (1145-1137 BCE), which was discovered by French archaeologist Ahmed Kamal during excavations between 1913 and 1915 near Luxor.

When did people start digging in Egypt?

Egypt is home to one of the oldest civilizations in the world, and it has been around for thousands of years. The first Egyptian mummies were discovered in the 19th century, along with many other artifacts from ancient Egypt. The first Egyptian tomb was found in 1922. In 1925, a team of archaeologists began excavating this tomb and discovered an intact mummy inside!

Why do we dig?

  • Archaeologists are interested in learning about the past.
  • Archaeologists are interested in learning about the people of the past.
  • Archaeologists are interested in learning about cultures of the past.

Why is ancient stuff buried?

If you’re like me and have ever wondered why there is a digging season in Egypt, this post will tell you everything. The answer is: to protect the ancient stuff that gets buried.

  • The elements (weather) are not always kind to our artifacts; they can be destroyed by water, fire or wind. So when an artifact was found during excavation, it was covered up again with sand so that it could remain safe from the elements until archaeologists came back and took care of them again later.
  • Thieves would steal valuable things for their own personal gain. This method of protecting the artifacts from thieves by burying them made sense because it made theft difficult if not impossible at all times throughout history unless someone knew where something was buried and had access tools such as shovels or pickaxes which were probably only available through purchase or trade even though some people might have owned them before our current lives began (about 200 years ago).

Did Jericho have walls?

The Biblical story of Jericho is famous for the fact that its walls fell down at the sound of trumpet blasts. But did they really? The Bible says that these were mud bricks, which would make sense if you were living in a desert climate and you couldn’t get enough water for stone. It’s possible that this was also true for other cities along the Canaanite coast as well.

How do I become a Bioarchaeologist?

If you’re interested in becoming a bioarchaeologist, the first step is to get yourself a PhD in anthropology or archaeology. Then, ideally, you’ll also have some experience working with human remains. You should be able to write well and work with math and science. This can include statistics as well as more general expertise in biology, chemistry, physics and geology (among other things).

In addition to being very smart about bones themselves though—their structure and what they tell us about the individuals who once lived among them—you will also need to understand how people lived back then. You’ll need an understanding of their social systems: What were their customs regarding burial? How did these affect how bodies were treated after death? What was important enough for someone’s life story that they would take special care when burying them?

Which country is best for archaeologists?

You might be wondering which country is the best place for archaeologists to work. The answer is a country with a lot of history and archaeology, so you can uncover its secrets.

Remember: The best countries for archaeologists are the ones that have the most archaeology and museums!

What job makes the most money?

You might think that being an archaeologist would be the most lucrative job of all, but archaeologists only make around $50,000 a year. If you’re looking for a well-paying career in Egyptology, then it may be best to focus on biology or anthropology. These two fields require fewer schooling hours and offer much better pay than archaeology does. Another option is to become a linguist to translate ancient texts from hieroglyphics into English so we can understand them better!

Linguistics is another great field to study if you want to make money from your knowledge of Egyptian history! You could also try becoming a geologist or biologist because both these jobs require advanced degrees plus years of experience before anyone would hire you—so it makes sense why they’d pay more!

Are archaeologists grave robbers?

Archaeologists are not grave robbers. Archaeologists do not loot graves for personal profit, and they do not rob tombs of their contents in order to sell them on the black market. When archaeologists excavate a tomb or other site, they take great care to preserve every artifact that they find in its original place; excavation is done carefully and slowly with the goal of learning as much as possible about what was there before they started digging.

Archaeologists are not tomb raiders either. Tomb raiders are people who illegally enter tombs with no regard for their preservation or safety—they just want what’s inside! They may even destroy entries so that others can’t come back later and get it themselves. In contrast, archaeologists always try to open up new access points when doing excavation work so that future generations will be able to examine these sites more easily than ever before!

Finally: don’t confuse an archaeologist with someone who digs graves or graveyards; he’ll probably be offended if you call him “grave digger”.

Is it wrong to dig up ancient graves?

It depends on the context, of course. If you’re excavating an ancient tomb, it’s unlikely that anyone will be offended. But if you’re digging up a grave from modern times and removing the body from it, then that’s more likely to upset people who identify as Egyptian and who still believe in their culture’s traditions—which is understandable!

What is grave excavation?

Grave excavation is a process in which archaeologists dig up graves to study the remains of the people buried there, as well as any artifacts that were buried with them. It’s also used to study the environment in which the people lived, and can even provide insight into their culture.

The scientists must work quickly because once a body has decomposed, it leaves behind only bones and other hard parts like teeth. This can take several weeks or months depending on how long ago they died and what kind of climate they were buried in (for example, if it’s humid).

What does the Bible say about dead bodies?

God is the creator of the body, soul, grave, tomb and mummy. God is the creator of everything that exists. Therefore you can be sure that there will be a resurrection from death. The Lord Jesus Christ has promised that He will raise up all people who have ever lived on this earth from the dead when He returns (John 5:28-29; 1 Corinthians 15:52-54).

At death your body becomes dust as it was before God made it into a living person. Your body cannot go anywhere because it was made out of dust in the first place! However what happens to your spirit? The Bible says that some people’s bodies rot away but their spirits go up to heaven where they live with God forever (Philippians 1:23).

At what point is it archeology and not grave robbing?

Let’s say you have a friend who is an archeologist. They’ve taken some time off of their duties as a field researcher in order to visit family, and they plan on returning to their job in Egypt shortly. While they’re home, however, they decide that it would be fun for everyone involved if he or she paid for their parents’ plane tickets so the two can go on a short vacation together.

But wait—your friend forgot something: his or her passport! It’s stuck somewhere at work and can’t be retrieved until after the trip has ended. So now this person has no way of proving that he or she is actually who he/she claims to be when applying for these airline tickets! It would be easy enough for anyone else but an archeologist: just show proof of identity through another form of photo ID (like your driver’s license) while using the name under which you booked those flights online (for example: “John Smith”). But because we’re talking about someone who works with ancient artifacts…well…

What happens to graves after 100 years?

After 100 years, the state can dig up your grave and do whatever they want with the body. They might give it to a museum or send it back to the family. But that’s not what usually happens. In fact, when this law was introduced in 1881 (a time of British colonial rule), many Egyptians thought that it would affect only foreigners who died in Egypt without relatives nearby. However, the law was retroactive—meaning that even if you were buried before 1881, if no one claimed your body after 100 years had passed then they could dig you up and do what they wanted with you!

The government also has the right to take control of any piece of land if no one claims ownership within 100 years; this includes bodies buried beneath those lands as well as any property built above them!

How long before graves are dug up?

In the case of a recently deceased person, it can take up to one year for their grave to be considered old enough to excavate. This is because modern burial practices involve putting cement and other materials into the grave before burying a body. These materials need time to degrade before the bodies can be removed from them safely.

However, there are exceptions: if you’re looking for something other than a human body, you may have an easier time getting your hands on it!

How long before you can dig up a grave?

The process of digging up a grave is not an instant procedure. It can take up to six months from the time you receive permission from the Ministry of Religious Endowments until you actually remove a body.

The first step in getting permission is to find out which cemetery your ancestor was buried in, as each site has its own rules about who can and cannot be buried there. Once you’ve found the correct cemetery, check their website or call them directly for more information about how to get started.

Once you’ve made contact with the right people at your family’s local cemetery, they will help guide you through all of the steps required by law before contacting anyone else involved in this process:

What was inside King Tutankhamun’s tomb?

As if the contents of King Tutankhamun’s tomb weren’t enough, there was also a golden coffin and headdress.

The coffin had a golden mask covering the mummy inside. The mummy was wrapped in linen, which was then covered with gold plating before it was placed inside the wooden box.

The death mask covering Pharaoh Tutankhamun’s face is made from solid gold, weighing about 3 pounds (1.4 kg). It is thought that this may have been used during his mummification process as one last adornment before he was buried for eternity as part of Egyptian funerary rites. The golden headdress featured an uraeus—a cobra representing divine power—and feathers symbolizing divinity and royalty. All together these items weighed over 5 pounds (2 kg)!

Why did King Tut have so many treasures in his tomb?

He was a pharaoh, and our understanding of Egyptian society at that time suggests that the king had immense power over his people. For example, Tutankhamun’s father was old when he took the throne as pharaoh, but he still had a large number of wives and mistresses (which may have contributed to his early death). The rest of Egypt’s population probably didn’t even know who Tutankhamun was until after his father died—the boy would have been educated by priests for his entire life up until that point.

So why does he have so many treasures in his tomb? We don’t know exactly what happened, but it’s possible that King Tut wasn’t allowed access to these goods during his lifetime because they were reserved only for royalty and/or religious leaders like priests or high-ranking officials (these things aren’t always connected). When someone dies—especially if they are very young—it’s common practice among many cultures around the world today (as well as those in ancient Egypt) to bury them with items they’ve enjoyed throughout their lives so they can carry on enjoying them now that their soul has left its body behind

Where is Tutankhamun now?

The tomb where Tutankhamun was buried is called the Valley of the Kings. It’s in Luxor and is one of many tombs that were built by ancient Egyptians to hold the remains of their pharaohs. Howard Carter discovered Tutankhamun’s tomb in 1922, which made it one of only three royal tombs ever found that contained almost all its treasures still intact. The other two were those belonging to King Mentuhotep II and Queen Hatshepsut—both from about 1500 BC (which is about 5500 years ago).

The discovery happened pretty much by accident: Carter’s team was looking for another tomb nearby when they noticed something strange sticking out from behind a block on top of one of the walls! It turned out to be a stairway leading down into an underground chamber—and there at its end lay an undisturbed burial chamber filled with amazing treasures!

Can you keep buried treasure?

  • You cannot keep buried treasure, which is defined as any object placed in a burial site or tomb.
  • You can keep objects that were found in tombs—as long as they’re not considered “treasure.” Treasure includes items such as jewelry and metalware, but not just any old statue. It also excludes common household items like pots and pans or even ancient books (although some have been known to fetch high prices). If you find an object of this type, report it immediately to the police or museum officials so that they can determine its value before deciding how it should be disposed of. In general, Egyptian law states that archaeological artifacts belong to the state unless there are clear markers on them indicating that someone owns them privately; if no such markers exist then ownership falls back onto Egypt itself.
  • If you want to bring something home from Egypt with you then there are certain restrictions about what kind it has got for being brought out into other countries

Was Cleopatra’s tomb found?

The tomb of Cleopatra is still a mystery. Many people think that it was found in Alexandria, Egypt, but it wasn’t. The tomb was not found in the Valley of the Kings either because it was hidden underground and no one could find it.

The ancient world’s most famous female ruler, Cleopatra VII, has never been found. But a team of archaeologists recently announced they may have located the entrance to her tomb beneath the Egyptian city of Alexandria. It remains to be seen if the lost queen’s final resting place will ever be uncovered – and if so whether it would contain any treasures that could rival those of King Tutankhamun’s tomb.