What states have the least natural disasters?

Natural disasters can happen anywhere at any time. In the US, they are usually caused by hurricanes, tornadoes, earthquakes, floods and droughts. There is no way to predict natural disasters in advance and millions of Americans live in areas that are vulnerable to one or more kinds of natural disaster every year. However, there are some places where natural disasters strike less often than others. If you want to avoid living somewhere that has many…

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What does maritime tropical mean?

Many people know that the weather is important to our daily lives. Weather affects how we dress and what activities we do. If you see a forecast for “maritime tropical”, you may be wondering what it means. Maritime tropical air masses form over the oceans. The air is moist and has a year round warm temperature. This air mass is unstable. Maritime tropical produces showers which are more frequent and last longer than showers from…

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What Causes The Three Main Climate Zones On Earth?

Have you ever wondered why the temperature is different in Alaska than it is in Florida? Or how it can be really hot in South Africa and really cold in Siberia, even though they’re both south of the equator? There are many reasons that climate is different all around the world, but one important thing to know is that Earth’s climate is divided into three main zones. These zones aren’t just random or based on…

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