What Causes The Three Main Climate Zones On Earth?

Have you ever wondered why the temperature is different in Alaska than it is in Florida? Or how it can be really hot in South Africa and really cold in Siberia, even though they’re both south of the equator? There are many reasons that climate is different all around the world, but one important thing to know is that Earth’s climate is divided into three main zones. These zones aren’t just random or based on…

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What are the types of plate boundaries?

Takeaway: There are 4 types of plate boundaries. They are oceanic-oceanic convergent, divergent, convergent continental, and transform plates: Oceanic-oceanic convergent boundaries Divergent boundaries Convergent continental boundaries Transform plates What are tectonic plates? Tectonic plates are large sections of the earth’s lithosphere. They are the driving force behind plate tectonics, and they are made up of a number of plates that are moving in different directions. The following types of plate boundaries exist: Divergent boundaries (where…

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How Do We Know The Earth Orbits The Sun?

How do we know the Earth orbits the Sun? It’s a simple question. And yet, it’s kind of hard to answer. You might think you know because your teacher said so, or because that’s what a science textbook says. But if you ask yourself why — I mean really deeply ask yourself why — you quickly get into some very difficult questions about how we know anything at all in science. When I say “the…

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