What Animal Has The Highest Body Temperature?

The highest body temperature of any living animal is the desert locust (Schistocerca gregaria), which can reach up to 50 degrees Celsius (122 degrees Fahrenheit). What has the highest body temperature? The answer to this question depends on whether or not you’re talking about a mammal or an insect. If you’re talking about mammals, then the answer is humans (with a body temperature of 98.6°F). But if you are talking about insects, then it’s the…

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Where Does The Salt From The Ocean Come From?

Salt is a mineral, made up of sodium and chloride. It’s found all over the world, but it usually occurs in warm water environments where evaporation can take place. That’s right: salt isn’t just in your pantry or sprinkled on your food. The ocean is full of salt! This makes sense because oceans are huge bodies of water that cover 75% of Earth’s surface! The Dead Sea is another place where you can find salt—it…

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How many naturally-occurring atoms are there?

The human body is made up of trillions of atoms. Each atom has a positive charge called protons, which are balanced by negative charges called electrons. When atoms combine with each other, they form molecules and compounds that make up the matter we see around us. The number of naturally occurring elements on Earth is approximately 118. However, there are more than 115 known isotopes that have been artificially created in nuclear reactors or particle…

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